Import Microsoft Publisher Into Indesign Tutorials
Database to In. Design . David Blatner (www. I left out one notable plugin, Data. Linker from Teacup Software, so in the near future I’ll study and test the plugin and then write a second review including all four plugins. In addition, Chris Ryland of Em Software has commented that they are working hard on updated documentation and new tutorials, and that In.
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Catalog working in tandem with In. Data (which I did not include in my original review) can provide a powerful solution. Once the new documentation is online I look forward to repeating the review a third time.
My thanks to David and Chris for their input.—–Over the years I’ve found that companies often have diverse (and sometimes quite unusual) workflows for getting information from databases into In. Design. Many of these processes are so inefficient that they cost thousands of dollars per year more, in the long run, than either hiring a developer to create a custom XML export script or purchasing a database- to- In. Design plugin. This basic introduction to In. Design/database integration begins with a summary of available data sources and In. Design’s built- in tools for working with them. I’ll then discuss the essential components of a database- to- In. Design automated workflow and review several third party plugins.
Types of Data Sources. CSV. Comma Separated Values. Strictly speaking, this is a text file representing data where each value is separated by a comma and each row ends with a hard return. Since tabs are also commonly used as delimiters between columns, CSV is often the general designation for any text file containing a data set, even though this is technically inaccurate.
CSVs can be exported from most databases and spreadsheet applications. Spreadsheet. Created by applications such as MS Excel primarily for calculations and managing flat (2 dimensional) data sets, as well as generating charts and graphs. XML. e. Xtensible Markup Language. A tag- based system for encoding documents. HTML is a subset of XML. Most databases can export XML.
Understanding InDesign's Microsoft Word Import Options dialog and getting the most compatible import to minimize manual cleanup. PowerPoint site with articles, reviews, tutorials, blog and templates for Microsoft PowerPoint and other presentation software. If you need to convert Publisher files to InDesign, short of recreating the document from scratch by hand you'll need a plugin like Pub2ID to help you out. Name Type Description Manufacturer Location Keywords; SPSS: Statistical A statistical Package, designed for analysing data. IBM SPSS: Staff WTS 2000 Cluster WTS.
Database. An often complex organization of data usually maintained by a database management system (DBMS) such as Oracle, Access, Filemaker, or My. SQL. When placing a CSV you may want to convert the tab or comma separated text to a table. This is easily done by highlighting all the text then going to the table menu and selecting “convert text to table.”Data Merge. A utility included with In. Design that merges the content of a CSV with a template of your design. Great for static layouts such as forms, certificates, business cards, name tags, mailers, etc. Please note that Data Merge does not create links to the original data source; it only imports the data.
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Align Text Vertically. Launch Adobe InDesign. Open the document containing the text that you want to align vertically.
XML Import. In. Design is capable of mapping XML tags to paragraph and character styles, so that text can be imported into your document fully formatted. Taking full advantage of this option often requires database export scripting knowledge in order to get just the right “flavor” of XML exported from the database so that In. Design will work well with it. Data Source. How it can be used in In.
Design. CSVData Merge. Place as text and convert to table. Use with 3rd party plugins*Spreadsheet.
Place Excel sheet as a table to be able to edit in In. Design. export Excel charts & graphs as PDF and place to preserve formatting.
Save the spreadsheet as a CSVXMLXML Import. Use with 3rd party plugins*Database. Use with 3rd party plugins**see plugin discussion on following pages for more information. Connecting Directly to a Database. If you work with a database and In. Design, why not allow them to interface directly? Chances are you’ve been spending countless hours getting data back and forth “the hard way.” While solutions to transfer data directly may be expensive “up front,” they save money in the long run.
Let’s first break this down into the components you will need. The first component to consider is the database itself.
It can be in any location visible to the computer on which In. Design is installed; in other words, it can be on the same computer, on the local network, or on the Internet. You will need the necessary login and server information from your network administrator. The database must support Open Database Connectivity (ODBC).
Most modern DBMSs do, but you need to verify before proceeding. Now we turn to the computer on which In. Design is installed.
The second component is the ODBC Driver, which allows the computer to communicate with the database. This is built into the Windows operating system; unfortunately, Mac users must purchase them. One popular driver provider is actualtech. Once installed, you can use the driver to set up a connection on the computer to the database using the instructions that come with it. Third comes the 3rd party plugin which allows In. Design to talk to the ODBC driver. The three plugins reviewed here are Easy.
Catalog, In. Catalog, and Smart Catalog. Why Use a Database- to- In. Design Plugin? So why should you invest in one of these plugins? Because they allow: live- linked data: when data is inserted into your document from the datasource, it is linked.
If the database is updated, all it takes is a couple clicks in In. Design to synchronize with the datasource and all values in your layout update. In. Design document to update the database—in other words, you can use In.
Design as a data entry tool. This requires that your administrator gives you read/write access to the database. When to Choose XML Import Instead of Plugins. While Database- to- In.
Design plugins are great, they’re not always the best solution. In cases where (1) a live link to the data is not beneficial, and (2) the data must be prepared via scripting prior to import into In. Design, or (3) you wish to preserve formatting that may exist within the data as HTML (or some other format), then it may be wise to consider the XML solution.
You may already be hiring and working with a developer to write custom server- side scripting to get the data into the right format for In. Design; chances are you don’t want to spend even more for a plugin that you may not need. For example, consider a database that contains a document archive. The documents in this archive rarely change.
Therefore, live linking to the fields in this database is not important. Furthermore, there may be formatting in the documents that you wish to preserve when importing into In. Design; XML is capable of preserving the formatting, while the plugins may not. In this case, XML is clearly the preferred method to choose.
Party Plugin Review. There are a number of plugins on the market that provide dynamic links between a data source and In. Design. In my research I’ve found three competing plugins that, on the surface, all appear to offer similar options at comparable (rather expensive) prices. Searching the net led me to conclude that there was a real shortage of comparative studies on the relative merits of these three plugins, so I decided to embark on my own research. Here is a brief summary of each plugin, in alphabetical order: Easy.
Catalog from 6. 5bit Software. The only plugin to offer a truly simple, intuitive drag- and- drop interface. Connect to a datasource, insert placeholders into your document from the Easy. Catalog Panel, apply formatting as you usually would to design elements, group related elements together into a “Product Style,” store your Product Styles in an Easy. Catalog Library, and then populate copies of your product styles with records from your database. It’s also the most expensive plugin, if you consider the need to get the ODBC and Pagination modules—but in my opinion, it’s worth it.
In. Catalog from Em. Software. Although I make every attempt to be objective, I must point out that while the software may have been updated, the product manual has not been updated since 2. In. Design CS. The only tutorial is written for XCatalog for Quark. The interface is extremely limited when compared with the other two plugins. In short, I do not recommend this plugin.
QR- Code Font and Encoder User Manual. Home >. Barcode Fonts >. D Barcodes >. Font > QR- Code Font and Encoder User Manual.
Implementation Tutorials. Several graphic and font encoders are provided. The font encoders will. QR- Code symbol when combined with. Universal 2. D Font.
In the event the QR font and graphic encoders provided are not supported. QR- Code may be printed on an unsupported system by using a font. Both methods are implemented in the integration\Examples. Microsoft Excel. There are multiple implementation options for Microsoft Excel. To display the. Active. X Control in Excel as a graphic object, refer to the.
Active. X Tutorial. To use Excel as a data source for a Word Mail Merge, refer.
Word Mail Merge Tutorial. QR- Codes may. also be generated and displayed directly within Excel spreadsheets by.
D XLS Font. This is the most efficient method to use when multiple barcodes. A working example is provided in the.
Integration\Examples\Excel Example. The data that is formatted for the font will not stack or look correct until. D XLS font documentation. The required VBA module is provided in the. Integration\Excel & Access VBA. Word Mail- Merge.
QR- Code barcodes may be created in a Word mail- merge with the included. Active. X Control as a graphic object, or as a.
Excel as the data source. A working example is provided in the. Integration\Examples\Word Mail- Merge. Open. Office for Windows. QR- Codes may. be generated within Open. Office applications that support VB scripting. A working. Calc example is provided in the.
Integration\Examples\Calc Example. The required VB module is provided in the. Integration\Open. Office VB. folder of the product zip file. Use the. Open. Office Font. Encoder Tutorial with the VB module within the package.
File. Maker Plug- in. NOTE: The 2. 01. 7 release of this product introduces a new. File. Maker Font Encoder Object method that is cross platform compatible and easier to.
Plugin. The provided Plugin does not support File. Maker 6. 4 bit on. Mac and will not work with File. Maker Go in i. OS. IDAutomation suggests using.
IDAutomation's QRCode Barcode may be integrated into File. Maker. using dynamic calculated fields without the use of scripts with the. File. Maker Plugin.
The plugin is provided in the zip file of the purchased version only. View. step- by- step instructions about installing, registering and using the plugin in File. Maker. Integration into ASP. NET and other web. ASP. NET. Server Control provided in the Font and Encoder Suite. Information about. NET Forms. Control without using the font.
NET Forms Control Manual. VB. NET Example: The following example uses the font encoder to create. QR Code barcode. when printed with the. Universal 2. D barcode font: In a .
NET project, add a reference to the DLL and place. Imports IDAutomation. Windows. Forms. QRCode. Barcode. Acquire the special text string that will generate a.
QR Code when combined with the IDAutomation. D font: Dim New. Barcode As New QRCode. Barcode. Text. Box.
Text = New. Barcode. Font. Encode(Text. Box. 1. Text, True, QRCode. Barcode. Encoding. Modes. Byte. QRCode.
Barcode. Versions. AUTO, QRCode. Barcode. Error. Correction. Levels. M)C# Example: In a . NET project, add a reference to the DLL and place the using statement.
For example. using IDAutomation. Windows. Forms. QRCode. Barcode; Obtain the string of data, that when printed with the.
IDAutomation. 2D Font, will create a correct symbol. QRCode. Barcode New.
Barcode = new QRCode. Barcode(). text. Box. Text = New. Barcode.
Font. Encode(text. Box. 1. Text, false, Encoding. Modes. Alphanumeric. Versions. AUTO, Error. Correction. Levels. H). The Windows COM DLL Font Encoder. Install the Font and Encoder by running the .
True. Type fonts, implementation examples. COM DLL. After the DLL is installed and registered. COM DLL. The Font.
Encode method is used to convert the data to encode. QR barcode when combined with the. D font. The Excel implementation provides a good example. COM DLL. VB and VBA scripting modules making use of the QR- Code COM. ZIP file. COM DLL Prog.
ID: IDAuto. QRCode. Code Example: 'Initialize COM DLL. Dim QRFont. Encoder As QRCode. Font. Encoder. Set QRFont. Encoder = New QRCode. Font. Encoder. QRFont.
Encoder. Font. Encode Data. To. Encode,Proc. Tilde,Encoding. Mode,Version,Error. Correction. Level.
Printable. Barcode. String = Result. Generating QR Codes with Java Class Integration. The Java class file was compiled with the Sun JDK 1. Windows, Mac, Unix, Android, Linux and any other systems supporting Java. Consult the. Java documentation or the company that provides the Java virtual machine. In Windows, this may be accomplished by setting the CLASSPATH.
JAR file, for example: SET CLASSPATH. C: \CLASSPATH\IDAutomation. Property Definitions. Data. To. Encode, Apply. Tilde. Error. Correction. Level. Best. Mask. Java. Script. Font Encoder.
The Java. Script Font Encoder is a complete font encoder. Java. Script file, meaning no other components need to be installed. D Font. This product.
Font and Encoder Suite. Add the following line at the top of the file just before. Java. Script file. This may be accomplished with a . It was compiled and tested with Visual Studio and does. OS- specific code. The QRCode. Font.
Encoder class. may be used to return an encoded string that the IDAutomation 2. D font. can be applied to, in order to create QR- Code symbols. This class also. contains several properties and enumerations. Following. is a C++ Implementation example: #include < string>.
To obtain all the. IDAutomation. 2D Font package. Support. Documented Solutions: Popular Forum Post Resolutions: Back to Top.