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Many technical and process- related acronyms and abbreviations. Some of. these acronyms and abbreviations originated as far back as the 1.

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World War), and a few probably the early 1. World. War). Many other abbreviations listed here are far more recent. Many older. acronyms provide fascinating examples of the development of language and. Latterly similar dark and cynical humour is. IT and healthcare, for.

  1. Do you deliberately avoid visiting friends who live in multi-story buildings without an elevator? No one would fault you—having to climb even just a single flight.
  2. Holy crap, that is a huge friggin’ payout. Health insurance giant Anthem Inc.

It's advisable that if using. Some of these acronyms and.

Popular texting abbreviation. J Lewis). The expression actually originated from a 1.

Martini TV. advert in which the song went: Any time, any place, anywhere, There's a magical. It's the right one, it's the bright one, It's (Thats.

Martini.. Other variations of lyrics following the opening line were used. It's a new world, Me and you girl.). Suggestions on a.

The word Martini in the context of media has now assumed an. Download Live Video Software Free Studio. Acronym to highlight any inappropriate. Acronym used by UK armed forces and services staff for. One of very many triple- A acronyms. Traditional selling process acronym which. T Rowe). ABC (along with ABC1) also.

JICNARS demographics system of social grades. Airway, Breathing, Circulation first- aid.

Whether this acronym. These days it is just as. A reminder also for all managers and. Fine. example of the 'backronym' art and very apt. A wonderful talking point for dinner parties, (thanks.

Ralph Johnston). Alternatively and brilliantly (thanks Marc Jones) this version is wonderful: A Completely Random Order Never Yields Meaning. Additionally and equally impressively: Alphabetically. Correct Representation Of Neologically Yclept Magniloquence (thanks B. Coates). Here's what the unusual words mean: Neologically (describing a. French 'neologisme', meaning a newly. Yclept (meaning 'so called', or 'going by the name of'.

English word, 'gecleopod', the past participle of. Germanic language); Magniloquence (meaning 'the use of grand or powerful language' - from. Latin 'magnus', great, and 'loquus', speaking).

Acronym for. the CACI Ltd research organization's system of demographics classifications. UK. More. about ACORN and other demographics classifications. In the US, ACORN also. Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. USA's largest community organization representing. Straight to the point, very true.

P Myers). The human body and mind are capable of. Fears are truly conquered when we confront them. Action. looks forward - completely disregarding the past or habit and inertia. Action - . to start something new or to overcome an obstacle - is the simplest and surest. See also JFDI. Deviate from it at your peril. Don Clark). ADIDASAll Day I Dream About Sex/All Day I Dream About Shoes. There are more and weirder ones in the ADIDAS entry in corporanyms section.

If you have. others to share feel free to send them. These. backronyms are not a reference to the Adidas company, merely wordplay using the. Descargar Keygen Para Burnout Paradise Pc. Overcome/Overtaken By Events?

Or Be Eaten?) It's a mystery. If you know please contact us.

This seems to be a US armed forces acronym. WWII. See the pictures, kindly provided by Lorna.

The picture is on a wall. Liverpool, left by US troops billeted there in the Second World. War. The AEOBE acronym is on the left breast of the soldier aiming the. On the front of the Jeep the acronym SNAFU can be seen above the radiator. Thanks Lorna for these fine pictures, and C Yates and R Reid for the.

Overcome. By Events/Overtaken By Events. OBE is seemingly used in this way in US. Defense and US Defense contracting, referring to plans or situations rendered. Apparently novelist Tom Clancy has used the. Maybe Attack Enemy Or Be Eaten (thanks T. Baldridge), Always Eat Or Be Eaten (P Mead), Americans Eat Or Be. Eaten (D Gregoire), or what about Adapt, Evade, Overcome By.

Endurance (J Patterson). Medical acronym and useful mnemonic for remembering the.

A big mistake or. The 'psychological imperative' and one of. See also PAFO. From the consumer electrical. An amusing. acronym which all decent folk can privately enjoy when faced with irrational. Your communications and. The AIDA. acronym is also extended to AIDCA, in which the 'C' is for Commitment or. Conviction (on the part of the customer or audience), although many would.

Action'. AIDA is a fundamentally. It is also known as the Hierarchy of. Effects. See AIDA in sales training. An remarkable acronym that's now so well. Aka is. truly up there with the all- time great acronyms like radar, scuba, quango and.

Motivational method of debatable. Aristotle quote about anger). In. any event AKUTA is generally more effective when self- administered. Obviously great for training sessions. M Booth). ALITALIAAirplane Lands In Turin And Luggage In Ancona.

Air travel. acronym (strictly speaking a 'backronym' or. The metaphor is. universal of course, although there would be certain destinations that could. Turkey, Tangiers, Australia, Alaska, etc. No offence intended towards Alitalia organization. Generally something you'd rather not. JC). AMATAll Mouth And Trousers. Acronym version of an old English.

See also BHNC. Nurses' and. See also MEGO. The classic USA police alert, as. Hawaii Five- O, Cagney. Lacey, Kojak, Starsky and Hutch.. The three main types of.

Empathic listening is the skill of understanding meaning and motive. ARKA Random act of Kindness. This is one of the most powerful forms of leadership. It can be performed by anyone, for anyone - and is entirely free of many of the usual constraints and restrictions found in conventional appreciations of leadership. No title or authority is required. There is typically no cost, other than a little time, although the giver may decide to spend personal funds towards the act. No permission or approval is required, provided it is offered sensitively and the recipient is given the opportunity to decline the offer, although recipients generally accept, and then become empowered and motivated to perform their own ARKs for others.

We do not need to be wealthy or in high office to perform ARKs. In fact we become enriched by giving.

A Random act of Kindness can change lives. The concept can change the world.

It is an element of, and relates strongly to, Servant Leadership (see Leadership Theories and see Love). ARPUAnnualised Revenues Per User.

ARPU is a favourite and. ARPU basically represents the average sales or billing value. ARPU in. the collective and inter- related markets of telephony, entertainment. This. battle for control of content and internet distribution - now under way - will. Paramedic term for the condition.

Technically only a physician can. In this context, 'assuming room temperature' means that since the. A controversial UK crime. By their nature. ASBOs are not easy to enforce and their effectiveness has been long debated.

It is surprising that a bacronym seems not yet to have been devised. Let me know. This acronym illustrates the. First, ASDA is memorable because it. UK supermarket chain, now owned by Walmart, but named ASDA. Asquith and Dairies' (not Associated Dairies. The alternative recent 'bacronym' interpretation is a very clever. Paul) used in emergency assessment of burns.

Specialist Burns Unit at Whiston Hospital in. Merseyside, used by the Merseyside Regional Ambulance service and no doubt. Age = age of patient; Site = where on the body; Depth = depth in. Area = area of burn, usually given. The 'rule. of nines' divides the body into eleven sections: head, chest, abdomen, upper. Each section. represents 9% of total body area. The balancing 1% is reserved for the.

In one acronym we see many different aspects of how we use language and. Fascinating. Super acronym for training and. Arguably the. order should be Knowledge, Skills, Activity, as this would be the order of. SKA' doesn't have quite the same ring.

Alternative. interpretation especially for roles where activity is reactive rather than. Attitude, Skills, Knowledge.

Various uses at work and. Similar to calling a person 'Captain Obvious', which is very amusing as. See also STBO. See also BHNC.

Military acronym, which implied a few.