Serial Number Profile In Sap Pm Jobs
All SAP transactions sorted by Transaction Code: Below is some basic tips on the transaction codes. A transaction that ends in the number below usually has the. SAP transaction code : SOSG - Send Request Overview (Groups). SAP PP Tips and Production Planning Module. Helpful SAP PP module contents to assist those supporting the SAP Production Planning Module. There are samples.
All SAP R/3 Transaction Codes, Tables, Reports, complete ABAP dictionary list (with descriptions) - Very. Sky. Here you can see about 1. SAP Transaction Codes, Tables and the called Reports including short header description. So, you can also have a look via SE1. SAP system. Assuming you. Materials Management transaction codes start with MM.
In the Fields: Transaction code, type in. MM* and press the function key F4 The list of transaction code starting with MM will be displayed.
For examples below: 0. Main Menu. 0. 3 = DISPLAYME0. Purchasing Main Menu. ME2. 1 - Create Purchase Order. ME2. 2 - Change Purchase Order. ME2. 3 - Display Purchase Order.
MB0. 0 - Goods Receipt Main Menu. VA0. 0 - Sales Main Menu.
VF0. 0 - Billing Main Menu. VL0. 0 - Shipping (Outbound Delivery) Main Menu. VL0. 1 - Create Delivery. VL0. 1N - Create Outbound Delivery with Order Ref.
I also provide you a list of the common ABAP Development Transaction Codes and Tables. Offsetting Entry. ABZP SAPMA0. 1B Acquistion from affiliated company. ABZS SAPMA0. 1B Enter write- up. ABZU SAPMA0. 1B Write- up. ABZV SAPMF0. 5A Asset Acquis.
Posted w/Clearing Acc. AB0. 1 SAPMA0. 1B Create asset transactions. AB0. 2 SAPLAB0. 1 Change asset document. AB0. 3 SAPLAB0. 1 Display Asset Document. AB0. 8 SAPLAB0. 1 Reverse Line Items. ACACAD ACEPSCALLBKEDR ACE Account Assignment.
ACBD ATPBD0. 01 Display Shared Buffer: ATP Check. ACCR MENUACCR Personal Menu Volker Hofmann. ACCR0. 1 SAPMACCR0.
Create Accrual/Deferral Document. ACCR0. 2 SAPMACCR0. Change Accrual/Deferral Document. ACCR0. 3 SAPMACCR0. Display Accrual/Deferral Document.
ACCR0. 4 RACCRPROCESS Execute Accruals/Deferrals. ACCR0. 5 RACCRAPPLOG Display Accruals/Deferrals Log. ACCR0. 6 RACCRAPPLOGDEL Delete Accruals/Deferrals Log. ACCR0. 7 RACCRREVERSAL Reverse Accruals/Deferrals. ACEC ACE. Range Maintenance: Ext. Service. ACTL SAPLKAZB INTERNAL: Work List.
AC0. 0 MENUAC0. 0 Service Master. AC0. 1 SAPLBAS0 Service Master.
AC0. 2 SAPLBAS0 Service Master. AC0. 3 SAPLBAS0 Service Master. AC0. 4 SAPLBAS0 Service Master. AC0. 5 RXASMD1. 0 List Processing: Service Master. AC0. 6 RXASMD1. 0 List Display: Service Master. AC0. 8 RBDSESRV Send service.
AC1. 0 RMMLCLST Class Hierarchy with Services. AD0. 8 SAPMSD0. 8 Enter G/L Account Posting.
AD2. 0 SAPLSD3. 0 Search help maintenance (for IMG). AD2. 1 SAPMSD2. 0 Matchcode maintenance (for IMG). AFAB RAPOST2. 00. Post depreciation.
AFABN RAPOST2. 00. Post Depreciation. AFAF RAT0. 84. 00 Assets with errors. AFAMA RAVCLUST View Maint. Key Method. AFAMD RACSTABL View Maint. Declining- Bal. Method. AFAMH RAVCLUST Maintain Maximum Amount Method.
AFAMP RACSTABL View Maint. Period Control Method. AFAMR RACSTABL View Maintenance Base Method.
AFAMS RAVCLUST View Maint. Multi- Level Method. AFAMSK RAVCLUST Method: Levels in Calendar Years.
AFAR RAAFAR0. 0 Recalculate Depreciation. AFBD RABUCH2. 0 Recreate Dep. Batch Input Session. AFBN RAFABNEW Include New Depreciation Area. AFBP RAPOST2. 00. Create depreciation posting log.
AFWA SAPMJBRA Create Maintain Analysis Structures. AFWFL SAPMAFWCH. Rule. AIAO SAPMV7. 6A C AM Maint. Rule Allocation. AIBU SAPMA1. B Transfer Asset under Const. Analysis - Sensitivitie.
AIST SAPMA1. 2B Reverse Settlement of Au. C. AJAB RAJABS0. Year- End Closing. AJRW RAJAWE0. 0 Fiscal Year Change.
AKAB SAPMWAKA List purchasing arrangements. AKE1 SAPMV1. 3A Create Condition.
AKE1. 0 SAPMV1. 3A Transfer Prices: Display Overhead. AKE2 SAPMV1. 3A Change Condition. AKE3 SAPMV1. 3A Display Condition. AKE4 SAPMV1. 3A Copy Condition. AKE5 SAPMV1. 3A PCA Transfer Prices: Create Prices.
AKE6 SAPMV1. 3A PCA Transfer Prices: Change Prices. AKE7 SAPMV1. 3A PCA Transfer Prices: Display Prices. AKE8 SAPMV1. 3A Transfer Prices: Create Overhead. AKE9 SAPMV1. 3A Transfer Prices: Change Overhead. AKKO SAPMWAKA Promotion pur.
Syst. AL1. 8 RSRZOLD Local File System Monitor. AL1. 9 RSRZOLD Remote File System Monitor. AMRP RMCPAMRP Send Stock/Requirements List. AM0. 4 SAPMA0. 1A Changes to Asset Classes. AM0. 5 RACSTABL Lock Asset Class.
ANHAL RAVCLUST Maintain Cutoff Value Key. ANKA RAMUST0. 3 Directory of asset classes. ANKL AWIZ. Asset Class Data. ANK1 RAVCLUST Ch.- of- Depr.- Dep. Control Specif. Allocations. ANK3 RAVCLUST Ch.- of- Depr.- Dep. Net Worth Valuat.
Insurance Data. ANVEST RAVCLUST Maintain Investment Support Measure. AOBK RACSTABL Depreciation areas/Reduction rules. AOLA RAVC0. ALA Master Data Tab. AO2. 1 RAVCLUST Screen layout for deprec. Range Maint.: BP. Partner Using Reference.
BPC5 SAPMBP0. 1 Change Business Partner - Copy. BPMD RAVC0. ALA Master Data Tab. BPMDCS RAVC0. ALA Master Data Tab. BPMDFI RAVC0. ALA Customer Company Code Master Data. BPMDGD RAVC0. ALA Master Data Tab. BPMDSD RAVC0. ALA Customer Company Code Master Data.
PR: GUI Addl Functions. BUBL BUSVIEWS Bu. PR: Assgn Scr. Field- > Database Fiel. BUBM BUSVIEWS Bu. PR: Tables. BUBN BUSVIEWS Bu.
PR: Field Groups. BUBO BUSVIEWS Bu. PR: Field Grouping (Criteria). BUBP BUPRELVW Bu. PR: Field Grping Using Rel. Using Role Def. Cat. BUBR BUSVIEWS BP: Field Grpg Via Activity (Cust).
BUBV BUPRELDI BP: Maintenance Without Dialog. BUBW BUBFILED BP: Generate Test File (DI). BUBX BUSVIEWS BP: Activities.
BUBY BUSVIEWS BP: Field Grpg via Activity (Ctrl). BUBZ BUSVIEWS BP: External Applications. C Tec Fire Panel Software Companies.
BUB1 BUPRELCR Bu. PR: Create BP relationship. BUB2 BUPRELSU Bu. PR: Change BP relationship. BUB3 BUPRELSU Bu. PR: Display BP relationship.
BUB4 BUPRELCR Bu. PR: Create BP role definition. BUB5 BUPRELSU Bu. PR: Change BP role definition. BUB6 BUPRELSU Bu. PR: Display BP role definition. BUB9 SAPMSNUM Bu.
PR: No. Authorizatio. BUCO BUSVIEWS BP- Cust: Screen Configuration. BUCP BUSVIEWS BP- Cust: Fld. BUCS BUSVIEWS BP- Cust: Notes on Roles. BUCU BUSVIEWS BP Cust: Where- Used List.
BUCV BUSVIEWS BP Cust. Field Grouping Appl. Object. BUG1 BUSSTART Create Business Partner; General. BUG2 BUSSTART Change Business Partner; General.
BUG3 BUSSTART Display Business Partner; General. BUG4 BUSSTART Bus. Party. BUI2 BUSSTART Change Prospect. BUI3 BUSSTART Display Prospect. BUMR MENUBUMR BP Relationships: Config. Menu. BUM1 BUSSTART Create Employee (BP).
BUM2 BUSSTART Change Employee (BP). BUM3 BUSSTART Display Employee (BP). BUNA SAPMSNUM Number Range Maint: BP. Grp BUSS. BUP1 BUSSTART Create Business Partner. BUP2 BUSSTART Change Business Partner. BUP3 BUSSTART Display Business Partner. BUSB BUSVIEWS BDT: Assign Screen Field- > DB Field.
BUSC BUSVIEWS BDT: Field Grouping Criteria. BUSD BUSVIEWS BDT: BP Roles. BUSE BUSVIEWS BDT: BP Role Groupings.
BUSF BUSVIEWS BDT: Application Transactions. BUSG BUSVIEWS BDT: Tables. BUSH BUSVIEWS BDT: External applications. BUSI BUSVIEWS BDT: Activities. BUSJ BUSVIEWS BP Control: Func. Mod. Activity (Ctrl. BUSO BUPVIEWS BP Cust: BP Cat.
Field Grouping. BUSP BUSCRCNT Generate Screen Containers. BUS1 BUSVIEWS BDT: Applications. BUS1. 0 BUSVIEWS BDT: Search Help. BUS1. 1 BUSVIEWS BDT: Assgn BAPI Field to Field Grou. BUS2 BUSVIEWS BDT: Field Groups.
BUS5 BUSVIEWS BDT: Screens. BUS6 BUSVIEWS BDT: Screen Sequences. BUS7 BUSVIEWS BDT: Events. BUS8 BUSVIEWS BDT: GUI Standard Functions.
BUS9 BUSVIEWS BDT: GUI Additional Functions. BUTI BUPTDARK Update Without Dialog.
BUTJ BUPFILED Generate Test File (DI). BV0. 1 SAPMF6. 9N BAV Transfer/Securities Init. Scree. BV0. 2 SAPMF6. N BAV Transfer / Loans Initial Screen.
BV0. 3 SAPMF6. 9N. Data. Source for BW Status Obj. BW0. 1 RGUCBIW0. SET Hierarchies for BW.