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DS Releasesidnamepublisherregionlanguagesgroupimagesizeserialtitleidimgcrcfilenamereleasenametrimmedsizefirmwaretypecard. Hey! Pikmin. Nintendoja. HR4. 09. 6CTR- BRCJ0. A9. 20. 0C7. B5. 91. C1hr- heypik. Hey! Wan Nyan & Mini Mini Animal (Rev.
You can see more of Milo. To see the images in their native resolution, click on the. This is a list of Game & Watch games released by Nintendo, along with their format and date of release, if known. See lists of video games for related lists. Search metadata Search full text of books Search TV captions Search archived web sites Advanced Search.
Nippon Columbiaja. HR2. 04. 8CTR- BHSJ0. B6. 30. 09. C8. 33. CBhr- petwn. Kawaii! Buddy Champion! Fu. Ryuja. HR4. 09. 6CTR- BFAJ0.
Classic video game modifications, fan translations, homebrew, utilities, and learning resources.
A0. E0. 01. 9DD9. Future. Gamesen,de. PUSSYCAT4. 09. 6CTR- ALBD0. B9. F8. C9. F2cat- albd. LEGO! Hakobume Box.
Nintendoja. JRP4. CTR- BC2. J0. 00. AD4. 00. 13. 0DFE1. Hakoboi. Pro Yakyuu 2.
New online games are added every day, so that any gamer will find a game to your taste! In any game, you can play online for free, without registration.
Mebiusja. JRP1. 02. CTR- KPUJ0. 00. 40. EA0. 0C4. F8. 18. Moero. Gamesja. HR4. CTR- BLNJ0. 00. 40. A1. 50. 04. 9C0. 6C5. LEGO! Rosen Tabi: Kaitsu Tetsudou Hen.
Sonic Poweredja. HR1. CTR- BTXJ0. 00. 40. AE0. 00. AC5. 13. Bhr- aizu. Tetsudou!
My Special Appeal. Bandai Namco Gamesja. HR4. 09. 6CTR- AKFJ0. AAD3. 45. B3hr- asmsa. Aikatsu! Megami no Dress Design.
Takara Tomyja. HR8. CTR- BP7. J0. 00.
AA1. 00. E3. A0. 09. Pri. Para! Rosen Tabi: Kikansha Thomas - Hen Oigawa Tetsudou!
Sonic Poweredja. HR1. CTR- BTGJ0. 00. 40. D3. 00. 73. 9AFB1. Tetsudou. Koisuru Diary. Happinetja. HR1. 63.
CTR- BA7. J0. 00. F9. 16. B4. 04hr- 1. Gamesen,fr,de,it,es,nl,da. PUSSYCAT8. 19. 2CTR- BLWI0. F1. 00. 8EEE7. 5ECcat- blwi. LEGO. Gamesen,fr,de,it,es,nl,da. PUSSYCAT8. 19. 2CTR- BLWS0.
F0. 00. A7. 80. 7D7. Bcat- blws. LEGO.
Gamesen,fr,de,it,es,nl,da. PUSSYCAT8. 19. 2CTR- BLWF0. EE0. 0B8. D3. 6DE9cat- blwf.
LEGO. Gamesen. SUXXORS8. CTR- BLWE0. 00. 40. F9. 00. A0. 7E8. AAAsxs- swfa. LEGO. Gamesen,fr,de,it,es,nl,da. PUSSYCAT8. 19. 2CTR- BLWP0. ED0. 04. 7D0. F8.
A8cat- blwp. LEGO. Gamesen,fr,de,it,es,nl,da. PUSSYCAT8. 19. 2CTR- BLWD0. EF0. 0DA8. A6. 18. LEGO! Mystery Adventure. Bandai Namco Gamesja.
HR4. 09. 6CTR- BT8. J0. 00. 40. 00. 00. E0. 06. CA3. C8. 63hr- taiko. Taiko. Gamesja. HR4. CTR- ALEJ0. 00. 40. E3. 00. 92. 2F5. 75. LEGO. 3)D3 Publisherja.
HR2. 04. 8CTR- BP3. J0. 00. 40. 00. 00. FE0. 0D7. 89. E7.
BChr- ssvol. 3Simple. D3 Publisherja. HR2. CTR- BYEJ0. 00. 40. E2. 00. 72. 09. C7.
Simple! Cross Team Match! Bandai Namco Gamesja. HR4. 09. 6CTR- BHTJ0. C0. 00. 9E6. 99. 60hr- haikyu.
Haikyu. Gamesen,fr,de,it,es,nl,da. PUSSYCAT4. 09. 6CTR- ALEX0. D0. 0B3. CF6cat- alex. LEGO. Gamesen,fr,de,it,es,nl,da.
PUSSYCAT4. 09. 6CTR- ALEV0. A9. 4C2. BC8cat- alev. LEGO. Gamesen,fr,de,it,es,nl,da.
PUSSYCAT4. 09. 6CTR- ALEZ0. DB7. 9A3cat- alez. LEGO. Gamesen,fr,de,it,es,nl,da. PUSSYCAT4. 09. 6CTR- ALEP0. B3. 3cat- alep. LEGO. Gamesen,fr,es,pt. VENOM4. 09. 6CTR- ALEE0.
ECCF7. C7. Cv- lmav. LEGO. Gamesen,fr,de,it,es,nl,da. PUSSYCAT4. 09. 6CTR- ALEY0. DB2. 85cat- aley. LEGO! Mouhito Hako. Nintendoja. Caravan. CTR- KCAJ0. 00. 40.
F8. 00. 0E1. 77. DEEcvn- kcaj. Hako! Vanguard G: Stride To Victory!! Fu. Ryuja. HR4. 09. CTR- BCFJ0. 00. 40. Cardfight! My No. Stage! Bandai Namco Gamesja. HR2. 04. 8CTR- AK4.
J0. 00. 40. 00. 00. D0. 01. 88. 45. 38.
Aikatsu! Zettai ni Tsukamatte ha Ikenai Gasu Kuropikari Land. Alchemistja. HR2. CTR- BDXJ0. 00. 40. D8. 00. 4BB7. 9A9. Ehr- gakitsuka. Downtown. Gamesja. HR8. 19.
CTR- BLJJ0. 00. 40. ED2. 6D6. 60hr- legojw. LEGO! Whyd You Steal Our Garbage?! Rosen Tabi: Joumou Denki Tetsudou Hen. Sonic Poweredja. HR1. CTR- BTJJ0. 00. 40.
D6. 00. 7E2. 41. F9. Tetsudou! Idol Grand Prix No. T- Artsja. HR4. 09. CTR- APJJ0. 00. 40. D7. D9. 85. 8Ahr- ppgp.
Pri. Para. Gamesen,fr,de,it,es,nl,da. PUSSYCAT4. 09. 6CTR- BLSX0. E9. 00. C7. 66. 69. LEGO! Zip Lash. Nintendoen,fr,de,it,es. PUSSYCAT8. 19. 2CTR- BXLP0.
F0. 0AFF8. A4. 7Ecat- bxlp. Chibi- Robo! Chibi Robo! Nintendoja. HR8. 19.
CTR- BXLJ0. 00. 40. F0. 23. 54. 64hr- chibirobo. Nagenawa! Zip Lash. Nintendoen. VENOM8. CTR- BXLE0. 00. 40. E2. 48. 9A5v- crzl. Chibi! Rittai Picross 2.
Nintendoja. HR2. 04. CTR- BBPJ0. 00. 40. A0. 0B4. 08. 1F5. Katachi. Gamesja. HR4. 09. 6CTR- BLSJ0.
D6. 62. 21. D7hr- ninjago. LEGO. Gamesen,fr,de,it,es,nl,da. PUSSYCAT8. 19. 2CTR- BLJX0. C0. 03. 17. 0C5. 7Ccat- bljx. LEGO. Gamesen,fr,de,it,es,nl,da. PUSSYCAT4. 09. 6CTR- BLNX0.
F1. B8. 2DEAcat- blnx. LEGO! Rosen Tabi: Yui Rail Hen. Sonic Poweredja. HR8.
CTR- BTYJ0. 00. 40. F4. 8AB3. B8hr- yui. Tetsudou! Game Demo Kyun Moe MAX ga Tomara Nai. Happinetja. HR1. 63. CTR- BKQJ0. 00. 40. A9. 4D5. 2hr- kobokawa. Kobayashi. Gamesen,fr,de,it,es,nl,da.
PUSSYCAT8. 19. 2CTR- BLJV0. D0. 0F6. FBC4. CCcat- bljv. LEGO. Gamesen,fr,de,it,es,nl,da. PUSSYCAT4. 09. 6CTR- BTMV0.
BBE1. FAE3cat- btmv. LEGO. Gamesen,fr,de,it,es,nl,da.
PUSSYCAT4. 09. 6CTR- ALAS0. B5. 20. 09. B2. 8C1. LEGO! Princess Pre.
Cure Sugar Oukoku to 6- nin no Princess! Bandai Namco Gamesja. HR2. 04. 8CTR- BG5. J0. 00. 40. 00. 00. C1. DFF7. AEhr- gppc. Go! Band Brothers P Debut. Nintendoja. Caravan.
CTR- KXSJ0. 00. 40. D0. 03. 3BA2. 23. Acvn- kxsj. Daigasso!
Gattiman Kyuukyoku no Omega Chinpou to Momige 2. Kadokawa Shotenja. Caravan. 10. 24. CTR- KG6. J0. 00. 40. 00. 00. C0. 05. 90. 65. 80. Oh. Gamesen,fr,de,it,es,nl,da.
PUSSYCAT4. 09. 6CTR- BLHX0. EB0. 09. C9. BB8. Fcat- blhx. LEGO.
Gamesen,fr,de,it,es,nl,da. PUSSYCAT4. 09. 6CTR- BTMX0. AB0. 09. F5. 40. 17. LEGO! Saikyou no Tousou Monotachi. Bandai Namco Gamesja. HR1. 02. 4CTR- BTUJ0. E2. 00. 45. 83. F5.
Chou! Max Vs Dorodoro Seijin. Rainy Frogja. Caravan.
CTR- JMDJ0. 00. 40. FD0. 0F8. 69. 0E6. Mud. Gamesen,fr,de,it,es,nl,da. PUSSYCAT8. 19. 2CTR- BLJY0. B0. 03. F1. 95. 97. LEGO. Gamesen,fr,es,pt.
ABSTRAKT8. 19. 2CTR- BLJE0. B0. 00. 45. E6. B9. Downloads Saint Seiya Rpg Pc Game. Lego. Gamesen,fr,de,it,es,nl. ABSTRAKT8. 19. 2CTR- BLJP0.
FCFF0. AACabs- ljwo. Compaq Presario Cq60 Troubleshooting Manual. Lego. Gamesen,fr,de,it,es,nl,da.
PUSSYCAT8. 19. 2CTR- BLJZ0. A0. 0D8. 46. 6CB0cat- bljz. LEGO! Rosen Tabi: Ohmi Tetsudou Hen.
Sonic Poweredja. HR1. CTR- ATJJ0. 00. 40.
F0. 01. A4. 8EA0. Chr- ohmi. Tetsudou! Nyanko Daisensou. Ponosja. Caravan. CTR- KNSJ0. 00. 40. DA0. 01. 14. 04. BF0cvn- tndesp.
Tobidasu. Mario Gyakuten! Tokkouyaku & Saikin Bokumetsu. Nintendoja. Caravan. CTR- AX8. A0. 00. BB0. 03. 64. 0B3. DAcvn- dmgesp. Dr. Edition. Nintendoen.
ABSTRAKT8. 19. 2CTR- AZGE0. D0. 2Das- pdzmb. Puzzle! Arbeiter Koji. Office Createja. Caravan. 10. 24. CTR- KAKJ0. FC0. 01. 0C0. 98. Gekidou. Gamesen,fr,it,es,nl,da. PUSSYCAT4. 09. 6CTR- AFJS0.
A4. 80. 5cat- afjs. The. Gamesen,fr,de,it,es,nl,da.
PUSSYCAT4. 09. 6CTR- AL5. S0. 00. 40. 00. 00. F5. C0. 02. 14. 30. E3cat- al. 5s. LEGO. Gamesen,fr,es,pt.
Big. Blue. Box. 40. CTR- AL5. Y0. 00.
B0. 07. EC4. C7. 69bbb- p- al. LEGO. Marvel. Super. Heroes. Universe. Peril. USA. READNFO. DS- Big. Blue. Box. U3. DS Game. 11. 81.
New Style Boutique (Rev. Nintendoen,fr,de,it,es. CONTRAST1. 63. 84. CTR- ACLP0. 00. 40. A9. 00. 0BB5. 31. E8. 9ctr- aclp- v.
New. Style. Boutique. EUR. 3. DS- CONTRAST1. E3. DS Game. 11. 80. Code Name: S. T. E. A. M.: Lincoln VS Aliens.
Nintendoja. HR1. 63. CTR- AY6. A0. 00. ECA0. BAChr- steam. Code! Funassyi no Yukai na Ohanassyi.
Successja. HR2. 04. CTR- BFCJ0. 00. 40.
F0. 06. 82. 81. F3. Nashijiru. Edition (DEMO)Gung. Ho / Nintendoen,fr,de,it,es. CONTRAST2. 04. 8CTR- KPMP0. B6. 00. 2F8. 64. 85. Actr- b- kpmp. Puzzle.
Dragons. Z. plus. Puzzle. and. Dragons.
Super. Mario. Bros. Edition. DEMO. EUR. INTERNAL. 3. DS- CONTRAST1. E3. DS Demo. 11. 80.
My Foal 3. D (Rev. CONTRAST1. 02. 4CTR- AM3. Z0. 00. 40. 00. 00. C0. 07. 16. 61. EA2ctr- am. My. Foal. 3. D. v. EUR. 3. DS- CONTRAST9. E3. DS Game. 11. 80.
LEGO Legends of Chima: Lavals Journey (Rev. Warner Bros. Gamesen,fr,de,it,es,nl. CONTRAST4. 09. 6CTR- APRP0. AF7. 00. AD4. 3EA0. Bctr- aprp- v. 1LEGO.
Legends. of. Chima. Lavals. Journey. v. EUR. 3. DS- CONTRAST4. E3. DS Game. 11. 80.
Tomodachi Life (Rev. Nintendoen. Big. Blue. Box. 40. 96. CTR- EC6.
E0. 00. 40. 00. 00. C3. 00. B9. 48. A7.
Abbb- p- ec. 6e- 1. Tomodachi. Life. v. USA. 3. DS- Big. Blue. Box. 43. 62. 15. 80. U3. DS Game. 21. 79. Boku wa Koukuu Kanseikan: Airport Hero 3. D - Haneda All Stars.
Sonic Poweredja. HR1. CTR- BKAJ0. 00. 40. DE5. A9. 1CChr- hanedaas. Boku! ARCADE v. 1.
Bplusen. PUSSYCAT4. CTR- JBBP0. 00. 40. D0. 00. D7. 45. 6D3. Bit. Edition. Nintendoen,fr,de,it,es. CONTRAST8. 19. 2CTR- AZGP0. EA7. EAD1. 6ctr- azgp. Puzzle. and. Dragons.
Z. plus. Puzzle. and. Dragons. Super. Mario.
Bros. Edition. EUR. DS- CONTRAST1. 00. E3. DS Game. 11. 78. Super Smash Bros.
Donkey Kong: Tipping Stars. Nintendoen,fr,de,it,es.
CONTRAST2. 04. 8CTR- JYLP0. CA0. 03. 85. 0A5. F2ctr- jylp. Mario. Donkey. Kong. Tipping. Stars. EUR. e. Shop. DS- CONTRAST2. 23.
List of Game & Watch games. This is a list of Game & Watch games released by Nintendo, along with their format and date of release, if known.
See lists of video games for related lists. Several of these games were collected and re- released as ports for the Game & Watch Gallery series for Game Boy, Game Boy Color and Game Boy Advance. The games also were re- released as stand- alone titles for the Nintendo Mini Classics series in the late 1. Digital versions of the games were created as DSi. Ware which was released for Nintendo DSi in 2. Nintendo 3. DS in 2. Models in the Game & Watch series.
Title. Release. Series. Sales. Model no. Image. Ball. 00. 00. 00.
April 2. 8, 1. 98. Silver< 2. 50,0. AC- 0. 1Flagman. 00. June 5, 1. 98. 0Silver< 2. FL- 0. 2Vermin. 00.
July 1. 0, 1. 98. Silver> 1,0. 00,0. MT- 0. 3Fire. 00. July 3. 1, 1. 98. Silver. 25. 0,0. 00 — 1,0. RC- 0. 4Judge. 00.
October 4, 1. 98. Silver< 2. 50,0. IP- 0. 5Manhole. 00. January 2. 9, 1. 98. Gold> 1,0. 00,0.
MN- 0. 6Helmet. 00. February 2. 1, 1. Gold> 1,0. 00,0. CN- 0. 7Lion. 00. April 2. 9, 1. 98.
Gold< 2. 50,0. LN- 0. 8Parachute. June 1. 9, 1. 98. Wide Screen. 25. 0,0. PR- 2. 1Octopus. 00. July 1. 6, 1. 98.
Wide Screen. 25. 0,0. OC- 2. 2Popeye. 00. August 5, 1. 98. 1Wide Screen. PP- 2. 3Chef. 00.
September 8, 1. 98. Wide Screen> 1,0. FP- 2. 4Mickey Mouse. October 9, 1. 98. Wide Screen. 25. 0,0. MC- 2. 5Egg. 00. 00. October 9, 1. 98.
Wide Screen< 2. EG- 2. 6Fire. 00. December 4, 1. 98. Wide Screen. 25. 0,0.
FR- 2. 7Turtle Bridge. February 1, 1. 98. Wide Screen> 1,0.
TL- 2. 8Fire Attack. March 2. 6, 1. 98. Wide Screen> 1,0.
ID- 2. 9Snoopy Tennis. April 2. 8, 1. 98. Wide Screen. 25. 0,0.
SP- 3. 0Oil Panic. May 2. 8, 1. 98. 2Multi Screen. OP- 5. 1Donkey Kong. June 3, 1. 98. 2Multi Screen. DK- 5. 2Donkey Kong Jr.
October 2. 6, 1. 98. New Wide Screen. 25. DJ- 1. 01. Mickey & Donald. November 1. 2, 1. Multi Screen. 25.
DM- 5. 3Green House. December 1. 6, 1. Multi Screen. 25. GH- 5. 4Donkey Kong II0. March 7, 1. 98. 3Multi Screen. JR- 5. 5Mario Bros.
March 1. 4, 1. 98. Multi Screen. 25. MW- 5. 6Donkey Kong Jr. April 2. 8, 1. 98. Table Top< 2. 50,0. CJ- 7. 1Mario's Cement Factory.
April 2. 8, 1. 98. Table Top< 2. 50,0. CM- 7. 2Mario's Cement Factory. June 1. 6, 1. 98. New Wide Screen> 1,0.
ML- 1. 02. Snoopy. July 5, 1. 98. 3Table Top< 2. SM- 7. 3Rain Shower. August 1. 0, 1. 98. Multi Screen< 2. LP- 5. 7Popeye. 00.
August 1. 7, 1. 98. Table Top< 2. 50,0. PG- 7. 4Manhole. 00. August 2. 4, 1. 98. New Wide Screen< 2. NH- 1. 03. Snoopy. August 3. 0, 1. 98.
Panorama< 2. 50,0. SM- 9. 1Popeye. 00.
August 3. 0, 1. 98. Panorama< 2. 50,0. PG- 9. 2Donkey Kong Jr. October 7, 1. 98.
Panorama< 2. 50,0. CJ- 9. 3Lifeboat. October 2. 5, 1. 98.
Multi Screen> 1,0. TC- 5. 8Mario's Bombs Away. November 1. 3, 1.
Panorama< 2. 50,0. PB- 9. 4Pinball. 00.
December 5, 1. 98. Multi Screen< 2. PB- 5. 9Spitball Sparky. February 7, 1. 98.
Super Color< 2. BU- 2. 01. Crab Grab. February 2. 1, 1. Super Color< 2. UD- 2. 02. Mickey Mouse.
February 2. 8, 1. Panorama< 2. 50,0. DC- 9. 5Boxing. 00. July 3. 1, 1. 98. Micro Vs.< 2. 50,0. BX- 3. 01. Donkey Kong 3. August 2. 0, 1. 98.
Micro Vs.< 2. 50,0. AK- 3. 02. Donkey Kong Circus. September 6, 1. 98. Panorama< 2. 50,0. MK- 9. 6Donkey Kong Hockey. November 1. 3, 1. Micro Vs.< 2. 50,0.
HK- 3. 03. Black Jack. February 1. 5, 1. Multi Screen< 2. BJ- 6. 0Tropical Fish. July 8, 1. 98. 5New Wide Screen< 2.
TF- 1. 04. Squish. April 1. 7, 1. 98. Multi Screen< 2. MG- 6. 1Super Mario Bros. June 2. 5, 1. 98. Crystal Screen< 2. YM- 8. 01. Climber.
July 4, 1. 98. 6Crystal Screen< 2. DR- 8. 02. Balloon Fight. November 1. 9, 1. Crystal Screen< 2. BF- 8. 03. Bomb Sweeper. June 1. 5, 1. 98.
Multi Screen< 2. BD- 6. 2Super Mario Bros.
August 1, 1. 98. 7Special. YM- 9. 01- SSafebuster. January 1. 2, 1. 98. Multi Screen> 1,0. JB- 6. 3Super Mario Bros. March 8, 1. 98. 8New Wide Screen.
YM- 1. 05. Climber. March 8, 1. 98. 8New Wide Screen< 2. DR- 1. 06. Balloon Fight. March 8, 1. 98. 8New Wide Screen< 2. BF- 1. 07. Gold Cliff. October 1. 9, 1. 98. Multi Screen< 2.
MV- 6. 4Zelda. 00. August 2. 6, 1. 98. Multi Screen< 2.
ZL- 6. 5Mario the Juggler. October 1. 4, 1. 99. New Wide Screen< 2. MJ- 1. 08. Ball (reissue)0. April 1, 2. 01. 0Silver ? RGW- 0. 01. Ball (Club Nintendo reissued version)Ball (originally known as Toss- Up in North America) is a Game & Watch game released as a part of the Silver series on April 2.
It was the first Game & Watch game. It is a single- screen single- player Game & Watch. In Game A, the player tosses two balls in the air. As the balls fall, the player must catch and toss them up again.
One point is earned for each successful catch. A dropped ball will display a broken ball and end the game.
The object is to continuously catch the balls that fall and throw them back up, as in juggling. In Game B, the player must juggle three balls, and each successful catch rewards ten points instead of one. It was re- released exclusively via Club Nintendo to celebrate the 3. Game & Watch, with the Club Nintendo logo on the back.
Unlike the original release, this version includes an option to mute the game by pressing the Time button during gameplay. It was recreated as a DSi. Ware game that was released for Nintendo DSi on July 1. Japan. Game & Watch's throws reference Ball. Flagman. It is a single- screen single- player Game & Watch. The object is to repeat the pattern of numbers on the flags held up by the on- screen character Mr.
Game & Watch. A life is lost each time the player pushes the wrong button or hits the correct number too late. The game ends when three lives are lost. Game B requires the character to push the right number as quickly as possible, before time runs out. Flagman was recreated in Game Boy Gallery for Game Boy and Game & Watch Gallery 3 for Game Boy Color.
A version of Flagman becomes available in Wario Land II once the player has achieved 1. It is included in Wario. Ware: Touched! It was recreated as a DSi. Ware game that was released for Nintendo DSi on July 1. Japan. Game & Watch has an attack which has him hit opponents with a flag, referencing Flagman. Vermin (originally known as The Exterminator in North America) is a Game & Watch game released as a part of the Silver series on July 1.
It is a single- screen single- player Game & Watch. In Vermin, moles pop out of the ground and try to get into the player's garden. The player has to hit the moles with a hammer to keep them out of the garden. Vermin was recreated in Game Boy Gallery for Game Boy and Game & Watch Gallery 2 for Game Boy Color. In Wario. Ware, Inc.: Mega Microgame$!, there is a microgame called . It was recreated as a DSi. Ware game that was released for Nintendo DSi on July 1.
Japan. Game & Watch has several attacks which has him hit opponents on either side with two hammers, referencing Vermin. Fire (originally known as Fireman Fireman in North America) is a Game & Watch game released as a part of the Silver series on July 3. Wide Screen series on December 4, 1. It is a single- screen single- player Game & Watch. The player controls two firemen who carry a trampoline and must catch people who fall from a burning building and bounce them into a waiting ambulance. The player is awarded 3 points for each person who reaches the ambulance, and loses one of their three lives for each person who hits the ground. Fire was recreated in Game & Watch Gallery for Game Boy, Game & Watch Gallery 3 for Game Boy Color and Game & Watch Gallery 4 for Game Boy Advance.
It was also rereleased as part of the Nintendo Mini Classics. In the Super Smash Bros. Game & Watch has a move called . In Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Super Smash Bros.
It is a single- screen Game & Watch for either 1 or 2 players. Players control two figures who hold hammers in their hands and hold up numbers. The one with the higher number must attack, and the one with the lower number must flee.