Microsoft Sql Server 2008 Enterprise Edition Serial
- Replicating Transactions Between Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle Database Using Oracle GoldenGate. Build a simple transaction replication example.
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Microsoft Sql Server 2008 Enterprise Edition Serial Killers
Replicating Transactions Between Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle Database Using Oracle Golden. Gateby Nikolay Manchev. Build a simple transaction replication example that spans these platforms, step by step.
Published August 2. Most Oracle technology professionals who are interested in data replication are familiar with Oracle Streams. Until 2. 00. 9, Streams was the recommended and most popular Oracle technology for data distribution. In July 2. 00. 9, Oracle acquired Golden. Gate, a provider of database replication software. The company is now encouraging its customers to use Oracle Golden.
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Gate (which is part of the Oracle Fusion Middleware family) for their data replication needs in new applications. Oracle's statement of direction regarding Oracle Streams says that product “will continue to be supported, but will not be actively enhanced.”In this article we will build a simple transaction replication example using Oracle Golden. Gate, in order to get acquainted with this new technology.
Oracle Golden. Gate Architecture. Golden. Gate v. 11 enables transaction level replication among heterogeneous platforms. It supports Oracle Database, IBM DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, My. SQL, Teradata, and many other platforms. The Extract process runs at the source system and captures the data changes. The Replicat is running at the target machine and is responsible for applying the changes to the target database. There are two common configurations for the Extract process.
The so called “initial load” is used for populating the target database with an exact copy of the source data (i. Extract is fetching all data from the source database and typically runs only once). Then the “change synchronization” can take place. In “change synchronization” configuration the Extract is constantly monitoring the source database and captures all changes on the fly. In this demonstration we will setup a Microsoft SQL Server 2. Extract process in a change synchronization mode.
In order to show that this replication is truly heterogeneous, we will run SQL Server on Windows XP and Oracle Database 1. Release 2 on Oracle Linux 5. As a prerequisite I will assume that you already have a clean installation of SQL Server 2. Windows box and Oracle Database on the Linux machine. We will start building the demonstration scenario by installing Golden.
Gate. Let's start with the Windows box. Golden. Gate for SQL Server Installation on Windows XP First you need a copy of Oracle Golden. Gate v. 11 for SQL Server. You can download it from http: //edelivery. Oracle Fusion Middleware . The serial number of the media pack that you need is V2. Extract the downloaded archive in a location where you want to have the Oracle Golden.
Gate installation (in this example – C: \GG). Then open a command prompt, go to the directory, and launch GGSCI (the Golden.
Gate command interface): C: \GG> ggsci. Oracle Golden. Gate Command Interpreter for ODBCVersion 1. Build 0. 78. Windows (optimized), Microsoft SQL Server on Jul 2. Copyright (C) 1. 99. Oracle and/or its affiliates.
All rights reserved. GGSCI (MSSQL) 1> Next execute the command CREATE SUBDIRS to create the Oracle Golden. Gate working directories. GGSCI (MSSQL) 1> CREATE SUBDIRSCreating subdirectories under current directory C: \GGParameter files C: \GG\dirprm: created. Report files C: \GG\dirrpt: created. Checkpoint files C: \GG\dirchk: created. Process status files C: \GG\dirpcs: created.
SQL script files C: \GG\dirsql: created. Database definitions files C: \GG\dirdef: created. Extract data files C: \GG\dirdat: created. Temporary files C: \GG\dirtmp: created. Veridata files C: \GG\dirver: created.
Veridata Lock files C: \GG\dirver\lock: created. Veridata Out- Of- Sync files C: \GG\dirver\oos: created.
Veridata Out- Of- Sync XML files C: \GG\dirver\oosxml: created. Veridata Parameter files C: \GG\dirver\params: created.
Veridata Report files C: \GG\dirver\report: created. Veridata Status files C: \GG\dirver\status: created. Veridata Trace files C: \GG\dirver\trace: created.
Stdout files C: \GG\dirout: created. GGSCI (MSSQL) 2> EXITC: \GG> According to the official documentation GGSCI supports up to 3. Extract and Replicat processes per Oracle Golden.
Gate instance. There is however a single process that is responsible for controlling the other processes; it's called the Manager process. Although you can run this process manually it is a good practice to install it as service - otherwise it will stop when the user that started it logs off. To add the Manager process as a Windows service execute the INSTALL ADDSERVICE command within the Golden. Gate installation directory. C: \GG> INSTALL ADDSERVICEService 'GGSMGR' created. Install program terminated normally. C: \GG> This pretty much completes the Windows installation.
Let's move on to the Linux machine. Golden. Gate for Oracle Installation on Oracle Linux 5 Installing Oracle Golden. Gate on Linux is not much different than the installation that you did on top of Windows XP. You will need to download the media pack of Golden. Gate for Oracle on Linux (V2.
You create an installation directory and unzip the archive there. In this example, I use the /u. Down In The Valley Torrent Ita Alba. ORACLE. After this is done you have to set the PATH and LD. All rights reserved. GGSCI (oradb) 1> CREATE SUBDIRSCreating subdirectories under current directory /u. Parameter files /u. Report files /u.
Checkpoint files /u. Process status files /u. SQL script files /u. Database definitions files /u. Extract data files /u. Temporary files /u.
Veridata files /u. Veridata Lock files /u. Veridata Out- Of- Sync files /u. Veridata Out- Of- Sync XML files /u. Veridata Parameter files /u. Veridata Report files /u. Veridata Status files /u.
Veridata Trace files /u. Stdout files /u. GGSCI (oradb) 2> EXIT. The name of the database will be EMP.
You can create it by launching SQL Server Management Studio, right- clicking on Databases, and selecting New Database. Type EMP in the database name field and click OK, leaving all other options by default. Let's add a new database schema (HRSCHEMA), a table (EMP) and a few test records in the newly created database.
This will be accomplished by running the following SQL: set ansi. Then paste- in the SQL text above and hit F5 to execute it. Now, in order for Oracle Golden. Gate to be able to access the EMP database, you have to create an ODBC data source for it. Let's go to Control Panel - > Administrative Tools - > Data Sources (ODBC) and add a new System DSN.
Select SQL Server as the database driver and name the data source HR. You point the source to the local SQL Server (MSSQL) and fill in the login credentials. The data source summary should be similar to this: Now it's time to enable Oracle Golden.
Gate to acquire the transaction information for the EMP table from the transaction logs. Again you will be using GGSCI: C: \GG> ggsci. Oracle Golden. Gate Command Interpreter for ODBCVersion 1. Build 0. 78. Windows (optimized), Microsoft SQL Server on Jul 2. Copyright (C) 1. 99. Oracle and/or its affiliates.
All rights reserved. GGSCI (MSSQL) 1> DBLOGIN SOURCEDB HRSuccessfully logged into database. GGSCI (MSSQL) 2> ADD TRANDATA HRSCHEMA. EMPLogging of supplemental log data is enabled for table hrschema. GGSCI (MSSQL) 3> Because the data types in Oracle and SQL Server are different you have to establish a data type conversion.
Golden. Gate provides a dedicated tool called DEFGEN that generates data definitions and is referenced by Oracle Golden. Gate processes when source and target tables have dissimilar definitions.