Microsoft Excel Tips And Tricks Pdf
How to Convert a PDF File to Word, Excel or JPG Format. One common question I’ve gotten a lot these days is how to convert a PDF file to Microsoft Word format (doc), Excel format (xls), or JPG picture format.
Usually, people want to know how to convert a file to PDF, but it’s also nice to be able to convert back the other way. There are multiple ways to get your PDF file into any of these three formats, but I’m going to stick with the easiest methods that require the least amount of software. You can pretty much do all of the conversions online these days using free tools. Convert PDF to JPG – Online Tools.
Go to Zam. Zar. com and click on the Choose Files button to get started. Go ahead and select your PDF file and then click OK. Now under Step 2, go ahead and pick the file type you want to convert the PDF file to. By default, the box will determine the type of file you chose and give you the list of possible output file types.
You can convert a PDF file, for example, into a doc or docx file, into a bmp, jpg, gif, or png file, etc. In our case, we’ll choose JPG from the list. Now type in your email address and click the Convert button. That’s about it! You should get an email a few minutes with a link to your converted file. People have complained about significant time delays between clicking Convert and actually getting an email.
Got any Excel Questions? Free Excel Help. Excel Tips, Tricks and Shortcuts for Microsoft Excel. See Also Excel Tips & Tricks Here Shortcut Keys On most of Excels menu. If you're still recovering from New Year's Eve, the last thing you want is another headache. So this is a good time for a new set of Microsoft Excel tips that can. Excel Tips and Tricks - 8 Cool Tips to Help You to Work More Efficiently in Excel. Excel has been developed to help both professionals and students to learn and develop their MS-excel skills. We at Excel Tip assist you in creating.
CodeGuru is where developers can come to share ideas, articles, questions, answers, tips, tricks, comments, downloads, and so much more related to programming in. Office 2010 has Built-in Save As PDF & XPS option. Check out guide on How to Save/Convert Documents to PDF & XPS in Office 2010 Word & Excel.
It seems the site is pretty busy and if you try to do a conversion at a very busy time, it can take a few hours or even a day or two to get your converted file. If this is unacceptable, they have paid monthly plans, but unless you need to convert PDF files all the time, it’s not worth purchasing. If you’re having trouble with Zamzar, you can try another free online PDF to JPG converter: http: //pdf. The end result from both sites was very good, but then again, there isn’t much that has to be done in order to convert from a PDF to an image. It gets tricker when you have to go from PDF to Word or Excel format. Convert PDF to JPG – Desktop Software. The first thing you’ll need to do is download a free software (the only one I could find) that converts PDF documents to JPEG image format automatically.
Go to the Omniformat download page and download both Omniformat v. PDF9. 95 app. You will need to download and install PDF9. Omniformat. Once you have both programs installed, go to your Start Menu programs, find the program group Software. Omniformat. The only annoying thing about this program is that it requires you to view some ads for about 3.
However, it’s better than paying $2. It does pop up another instance of your browser window for the web site of each of the sponsors, but it does not install any spyware onto your computer (no popup ads). Once the program is loaded, you’ll see it has a section called “Watch Folders” and then a button at the bottom titled “Start Monitoring” and “Single Pass“. Basically the way it works is that you need to COPY the PDF files you want to convert to JPG format to the C: \omniformat\watch folder and then press Single Pass. The program will look in that directory and convert each page of each PDF into a separate JPG file. If you click Start Monitoring, you can keep dropping PDFs into that folder and the program will automatically convert them into JPGs as long as the program is open. Note that the program DELETES the original PDF document that it uses, so that’s why you need to COPY the PDF document to the watch folder, not move it!
In honor of Spreadsheet Day, we rounded up 5 tips to make you an Excel pro. Tips & Tricks in German Language; Tips & Tricks in French Language; Tips & Tricks in Chinese (Simplified) Tips & Tricks in Chinese (Traditional).
You should now see your converted files like below: Another desktop program you can use is Free PDF to JPG, which also lets you convert a PDF to BMP, PNG and TIFF format. Convert PDF to Word. Again, Zamzar does a great job of this conversion. Choose your file and then select DOC or DOCX from the list of options in Step 2. Type in your email address for Step 3 and click Convert. You should receive an email within a few minutes with a download link to your converted file.
I have tried out this service on some pretty complex PDF documents with text in multiple columns, multiple images, etc and have been very impressed with it’s conversion accuracy. Again, there are other ways to get your PDF into Word format. Here are a few nice free online tools: http: //www. If you want a desktop program for converting PDF to Word, you can download one here: http: //download. Free- PDF- to- Word/3. Earlier, you had to convert the PDF file to a TXT file and then import it into Excel and save it as a XLS or XLSX file.
Now, however, it’s been updated and Zamzar fully supports the Excel format, so you can choose it directly in Step 2 . Other than Zamzar, the other popular choice is from Nitro PDF software, which is also the same company behind pdftoword. If you have a very complicated PDF file and the formatting is not being converted properly using these free tools, you may have to invest in a commercial software package that can possibly do a better job. For example, there is Adobe Acrobat XI, which will let you convert PDF files to Word, Excel and even Powerpoint files. Of course, it’s pretty expensive and probably only worth it if your IT department foots the bill.
Excel Tips and Tricks. Spreadsheet Tips and Tricks. Excel Tips & Tricks, Shortcuts For Excel.
Got any Excel Questions? Free. Excel Help. Excel Tips, Tricks and Shortcuts for Microsoft. Excel. See Also. & Tricks Here. Shortcut Keys. On most of Excels menu items you will see the shortcut key associated with it. To. see a complete list push F1 and type . This will only work if you have named ranges.
Name a Range. To name a selected range, click in the . Go To a Named Range. To go to a named range select it from the . Edit a Named Range. To delete or edit a named range go to Insert> Name> Define or Push.
10/17/06 Rev3 1 Tips and Tricks for Printing an Excel Spreadsheet Microsoft Excel provides the following ways to view your spreadsheet and adjust how it will. Provides a discussion forum for users of all levels of expertise and tips organized in categories. Also offers consulting services.
Ctrl+F3. Headings as Range Names. Highlight your range including the headings and go to Insert> Name> Create.
Ctrl+Shift+F3. Named Formula. To make a Name refer to a constant formula e.
Now enter =(1. 0*Tax. Rate) anywhere on the Worksheet. Named Range List. To obtain a list of all Named Ranges and where they refer, select any blank. Insert> Name> Paste then Paste List. Nested Formulas. To help write nested formulas (more than 1 formula in a single cell) use.
Insert> Function or Shift+F3. Select. the function that you need, enter the reference, number or text then select the. Formulas. Doing it. Debugging Formulas. To troubleshoot complex formulas select the cell containing it and then click the.
Equal sign) to the left of the formula bar, this will activate the . To step through your formula simply click in the part of the.
Personal Help. To add your own text to any of the Office Assistants help files, push. F1, enter your question then open the file. Go to Options> Annotate and. OK. You will now notice a paperclip. Help in a way you will understand. Different Help. Sometimes the Office Assistant is not very helpful to your needs, so try.
Customizing Toolbars. Right click on any Toolbar and select . Now click the . If things get a bit messy simply click. This will return all menu items. Quick Charts. To create quick charts, click anywhere within your data and push F1. Now go to File> Save or Alt+F2 and. Type a name and. click .
Secret Menu. Click in any cell, then move your mouse pointer over any border of the cell. Secret Menu 2. Place a date in any cell, then move your mouse pointer over the bottom.
Fill handle) until the mouse pointer changes. Now right click and drag to any cell and release.
Quick Cell Copy. Click in the cell(s) then move your mouse pointer over any border until the. Guitar Hero 3 Unlock All Code Ps2 on this page. Ctrl key and drag to it's destination and then release. Change Formulas to Values. Click in the cell(s) with the formula(s) then move your mouse pointer over. Start ed and release. Now select Copy here as values only.
Fill Blank Cells Within a List. Let's say you have a list of entries in column A and within the list you have many. Here is a quick way to fill those blanks with the value of the cell. Highlight column A, then push Ctrl+G and click Special then check the. Blanks option and click OK. Now push Equals (=) then the Up.
Ctrl key push Enter. Auto Fill. To fill a series across columns or down rows type January or Jan in any. Fill handle) until the mouser pointer changes to a small. Left click and drag down or across. This can also be done with.
Numbers, Weekdays, Quarters or any text that ends in a number e. Custom Auto Fill. Type your list across columns or down rows. Now go to Tools> Option and select. Click the collapse dialog box to the right of the . Or type your entries in the .
Adding Text to Formulas. To show a formula result and text or number(s) in the same cell type a &. Ampersand) after the formula then your text/number(s). Adding Hidden Text to Formulas.
Imagine you have a formula like: =$2. When you initially wrote it. The N() function will convert text to zero. To see this type the number 2.
Format> Cells or push Ctrl+1. Select the . To test it use the cell in any formula. No More Chart Gaps. If you have a chart that is plotting empty text (. Or you can hide the Row(s) or Column(s). Either. way Excel won't plot #N/A or hidden Rows or Columns. My List. If you have a long list of Text with no blank cells between and you.
Click in any cell within your list. Remove Blank Rows. Highlight your range and go to Edit> Go to> Special and select . Sort Out Blank Rows. The quickest way to remove all blank rows is to select you range then go to Data> Sort. En Masse Changes.
To make changes to more than one worksheet at the same time select. Ctrl key and click on each sheet name. Now any data entered one sheet will also be entered on the other(s). When. you have finished right click on any of the sheet name tabs and select . En Masse Changes 2.
Another way to have changes on one worksheet reflected on other sheets. Ctrl key and. select the other sheet tabs.
Go to Edit> Fill> Across Worksheets and Excel. Worksheet Copy. Select the sheet name tab then hold down your Ctrl key and simply drag it. Paste Reference. An easy way to reference another cell is to select the cell you wish. Copy or Ctrl+C then.
Repeat. To repeat an operation push F4. Undo. To undo an operation push Ctrl+ZLinked Picture. A good alternative to a textbox or any shape is a linked picture that reflects. To make one, copy your cell(s), select. Shift key go to Edit< Paste. Picture Link. Run a Macro by Clicking a Cell. This is possible with use of VBA but let's face it most people don't know VBA.
Select the cell you want to run the macro and hold. Shift key and go to Edit> Copy Picture then select.
Now right click on the cell. Non Formula Result.
Sometimes you just want the result from the Sum, Average, Min, Max etc from. Excel allows you to. Reduce File Size. When you have a workbook that is very large in size you can reduce.
In other words avoid saving as multiple. Also click. here for much more details and other methods. Cell Navigation. To move through a group of cells that you are working with without going.
Quick Formula Syntax. When writing formulas for Excel sometimes you just need a quick reminder of the. In this is the case then type an equal sign followed by the function. Ctrl+Shift+A. For Example typing =Vlookup and then pushing. Ctrl+Shift+A will give you: =vlookup(lookup. How to copy formulas without the reference changing.
This can be achieved by either pressing F2 and then highlighting the formula, Copy. Enter then paste to destination. Or doing the same in the Formular bar. However. this is not much good for large amounts of data, so try this: Select the range of. Formulae, use the Ctrl key for non- contiguous ranges. Now go to Edit> Replace.
Replace = with #. Copy and paste to your location and then simply use Edit> Replace. How to copy and transpose formulas without the reference changing.
In cell A1 of sheet 2 put: =Sheet. A1 now copy this down a max of 2. Now. copy, select cell B1, go to Edit> Paste special and choose Transpose.
Delete. Column . Copy the list to another location using Copy, Edit> Paste Special> Value. Now select all data in the list, go to Tools> Options> Custom Lists. Ensure the list address is in the . Now go back to the column next to your list and in the top cell place.
LAST entry from your list. Now in the cell below, place the second last entry. Select both cells and double click on the Fill Handle (small black square bottom. The list should now be reversed. You could now also sort you original list using.
Data> Sort> Options, nominate your list then sort! Formula Errors. Whenever typing one of Excels functions (especially nested ones) into a cell always. This way when you push Enter Excel will capitalize only the. Entering Named Ranges Into Formulas. When you write a formula, sometimes you want to use a Named Range as one of the.
In these times simply. F3 when you reach the argument that you want the Named Range in and. Excel will display the Paste Name dialog. Click the name you want then. OK. Optional Function Arguments. Sometimes you may not be sure what arguments in a function are optional and which. If your using the Paste Function (Function Wizard) then the non- bolded.
Sort by more than 3 Columns.