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  1. According to a 2013 Yale study, when facts seem to contradict your political opinions, your brain will work so hard to protect your beliefs that you’ll do worse at.
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Going Linux . We get questions on screen resolution, App. Images, network drives and issues, mouse buttons and more. The following resources are mentioned in this episode: TV as a monitor: http: //goinglinux.

Practical information for Linux users, and for computer users leaving Windows and 'going Linux'.

Connect? 3. 2: 4. David: Hardware? 3. Troy: Learned something new 4. Bob: Here's HOW he solved his mouse configuration problems 4. Bob: A strange network problem 5. Tips on listening to music while you work 5. End Jul 2. 0: #3.

Sometimes the process the same, and sometimes it's different. Click the show notes links to find even more than we can cover in this short episode. The following resources are mentioned in this episode: Our article: http: //goinglinux. Thing. You. Can. Do. Theme music provided by Mark Blasco http: //www. Episode 3. 27 Time Stamps. Going Linux #3. 27 .

Compiz Fusion Addons Install Script Error

We find out how, and some other things to consider. We find there is no magic key for installing Linux on Apple hardware. The following resources are mentioned in this episode: Ubuntu MATE: Upgrading from Windows or OSX https: //www. Ubuntu Server Edition: https: //www. Kodi: https: //kodi. Myth. TV: https: //www.

Hauppauge: http: //hauppauge. Intel Home Theater NUC: https: //www. Plex: https: //www. NAS4. Free: https: //www. Refind: http: //www.

Pystromo: https: //github. Pystromo. Theme music provided by Mark Blasco http: //www.

Episode 3. 26 Time Stamps. Going Linux #3. 26 ! George: 'Magic Key' to installing Linux on a Mac 0. Orion: Refind 0. 9: 3.

Steve: Mouse button mapping with Pystromo 1. Malte: Backup files created in the future!

Jim: Problems with Skype 1. John: Ethernet unplugged in Virtualbox 1. Paul: Where does a command- line installation get its applications?

David: The steps for clearing a filled hard drive 1. Heath: Other filled hard drive possibilities 2. Greg: Any update on Thinkpad T4. We provide several points of view on the concpets of Nuke and Pave vs. Rolling Release, and the differences between the 'remove' and 'purge' options for the command 'apt- get'. We also describe how to keep your preferences and settings for all of you Linux applications after an OS upgrade and after a nuke and pave.

The following resources are mentioned in this episode: Going Linux on G+: https: //plus. Carbon Copy Cloner: https: //bombich. Clonezilla: http: //clonezilla. Apt. Get/Howto: https: //help. Apt. Get/Howto. Removing unused packages (“cruft”): https: //www. Theme music provided by Mark Blasco http: //www. Episode 3. 25 Time Stamps.

Going Linux #3. 25 . Rolling release vs. End Jun 0. 5: #3. Chard has a recommendation for Bill's next computer. The following resources are mentioned in this episode: Gaming Laptop - Eluktronics N8. HK1 Pro Premium: https: //www.

B0. 6WCZMKL1/ref=oh! Chard: A suggestion for Bill 3. End May 2. 0: #3. In today's episode we review Ubuntu MATE from the perspective that it is a typical modern Linux distro for the average user.

Who needs specs? 4. End May 0. 5: #3. We get comments on a password manager and on installing Linux on an HP Stream. The following resources are mentioned in this episode: Password Safe: https: //pwsafe.

Simple Note: https: //simplenote. Theme music provided by Mark Blasco http: //www. Episode 3. 22 Time Stamps. Going Linux #3. 22 ? Bob: The trackball, continued 1. Ambrose: Responds 2.

Sebastien: Needs help 2. David: MATE Rocks! App pick: Simplenote 3. End Apr 2. 0: #3. He revises his score, gives some specific examples, plus and minus.

The following resources are mentioned in this episode: Sabayon: http: //www. Gentoo: http: //www. KDE: http: //www.

Display Data Channel (DDC): https: //en. Display? 0. 4: 5. Larry's upgrade to Ubuntu MATE 1.

Sabayon revisited 0. System resource usage is quite low 0.

What is Sabayon? 1. Sabayon facts 1. 2: 5. Package Manager: Rigo 1. Pros and cons 1. 5: 3.

Rolling release 1. System requirements 2. Sabayon community 2. Rant: KDE! 2. 2: 4. Replacing KDE with Cinnamon 2. Official versions 2. Recommendation 2.

Applications available 3. Bill's new rating for Sabayon 3. Ubuntu MATE or Linux Mint still better for a new Linux user 3. Sabayon should give you a pretty good experience as long as you stay away from KDE 4. Ubuntu Gnome vs. MATE 4. Recommend a new machine for Bill 4. End Apr 0. 5: #3.

The following resources are mentioned in this episode: Home networking: http: //goinglinux. Basics. Of. Home. Networking. html. Mapping trackball buttons: http: //spartanideas.

Xbindkeys: https: //wiki. Xbindkeys. Remote X1.

Using x. RDP on Ubuntu. Computrace. https: //threatpost.

Wine: https: //www. Linkman Pro: https: //www. Coup. 0. 5: 2. 3 Mario: Comment on Episode 3. Nicholai: Browsing a home network 1. Paul: Computrace? Mike: Remote to Linux from a Surface 1. Bob: Using Wine 2.

Bob: Logitec M5. 70 mouse buttons 2. Rainy: Experience with Firefox Ubuntu Gnome 2. Daniel: Installing on a USB drive 3. Chard: Buggy Ubuntu wifi 3.

Paul: Optimal home partition size 4. Jim: Lucky Backup 4. Bill's app pick. Libre. Office 4. 3: 3. 6 goinglinux. End Mar 2. 0: #3. Adobe Illustrator 2014 Free Download.

Almost all the options of rsync in a graphical form without the disadvantages of rsync. With the approaching release of the next iteration of Ubuntu and its derivatives, many of us will be looking to upgrade. Before making any major change to your system, a backup is an essential precaution. The following resources are mentioned in this episode: Automatic backups using Rsync Bash and Cron: http: //goinglinux. Rsync- Bash- Cron- Backups. Grsync outputs the rsync commands 2. End Mar 0. 5: #3.

We have a word of caution for Windows users burning Linux ISO files with Img. Burn, questions on Linux drivers and the differences between distros, suggestions on getting Ubuntu MATE installed, and a Gone Linux story. There is much more feedback in the episode than we can list here, so you will just have to listen. We know you will anyway!

The following resources are mentioned in this episode: Gecko Linux: http: //geckolinux. Kamakshi Media: http: //www. The manual for HP 1. Manual/c. 04. 77.

Installing Linux and UEFI/Secure Boot: https: //help. UEFIMatt's work: Favorite podcasts on Youtube: https: //www. FBjvp. 2m. 1Qg. Mrp.

Tech Reviews: http: //www. Mrp. Tech Podcast: http: //podnutz. Theme music provided by Mark Blasco http: //www. Sims 4 Free Download Pc No Survey. Episode 3. 18 Time Stamps.

Going Linux #3. 18 ? Paul: Mint 1. 8 or 1. Mario: Congrats on 1. Armin: Discovered Linux through BSD 2. Michael: What are the real differences between distros? Amar: Congrats on 1. Michael: Does Mint MATE come with Orca by default?

David: MATE 1. 6. Virutal Box 2. 8: 5. Michael: Needs some help 3. Matt: Provides a review on video 3. Anders: Suggests Lubuntu 3.

Carl: What kind of voodoo witchcraft is this? Jacabo: About the last episode 3. Joshua: Gone Linux! End Feb 2. 0: #3.

The following resources are mentioned in this episode: Distrowatch: http: //distrowatch. Distribution: Sabayon Home Page: http: //www. Mailing Lists: http: //lists. User Forums: http: //forum. Alternative User Forums: Linux. Questions. org http: //www. Documentation: http: //wiki.

Distribution: Scientific Linux. Home Page: https: //www. Mailing Lists: https: //www. User Forums: http: //scientificlinuxforum. Alternative User Forums: Linux. Questions. org http: //www. Documentation: https: //www.

Distribution: open. SUSE Home Page: http: //www. Mailing Lists: http: //en. SUSE: Communication. DEB 0. 7: 1. 2 Sabayon 1.

Scientific Linux 2. Su. SE 3. 5: 5. 3 Fedora 4. PCLinux. OS 5. 0: 1. Arch. Bang 5. 3: 5. So.. 6. 0: 2. 9 goinglinux.

End Feb 0. 5: #3. Michael needs help burning a Sonar Live. DVD on Windows. David provides a 3- part email. Tony is burning DVDs. Chandra would like to see more content on RPM distros. The following resources are mentioned in this episode: Burning ISO: https: //help.

Burning. Iso. Howto#Burning. Cloud- based software enables Linux 0.

How the cloud helps eliminate license fees for operating systems as well as applications 0. How cloud software improves data security 1. Michael: Burning a Live DVD in Windows 1. David: Installing and mounting additional drives 3. Tony: Burn You. Tube videos to DVD 3. Chandra: More on Fedora, Su. SE, and RPM- based distros 3.

End Jan 2. 0: #3.